Who's KIT?

Your Business and Technology consultants. What we do goes above and beyond providing IT solutions. With every step we take towards the future, so do you.
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Started with an Idea

Imagine the time when all business operations were completed with a notebook and agreements were based on a handshake. Imagine the 80’s with two ambitious men, a shared vision and one dream to bring people and technology together.

Evolving Each and Every Time


35 years of Innovation

We have witnessed demanding industries evolving every day and participated in milestone events that was once believed to be tomorrow’s science fiction, but today’s reality.

Together we brought technology when the Middle East was unaware of the endless possibilities it has to offer and continue to deliver solutions that enable your business to grow.

Thinking Global, Acting Local

Everyone recognizes the current demanding market needs and as a result, the value of time, that is why we are dedicated to enable your future by providing you the right tools and advice, so you can operate more efficiently and effectively.

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