Application Performance Management Software manages and monitors the performance of all your software applications. Used to boost the level of service, the APM tracks transaction times, user experience and network infrastructure.
Access APM to gain deep visibility and monitor components of your web applications and its performance from an end-user perspective. This unique feature allows you to see through your consumers' view and test applications to better enhance the customer experience.
Measure Application Runtime
Track and measure the response time taken by each application. Identify and isolate bottlenecks through the software’s compiled analytics and continue to observe until the persisting issues are resolved and performance increases.
Seamlessly Track Front and End-user Actions
User-defined Transaction Profiling
Also known as Business Transaction Management, it enables you to track the flow of transaction within the IT framework and can alert or detect unexpected changes within business conditions. Fix slow web transactions by catching method traces & slow SQL statements executed during the transactions.
Application Component Monitoring
Monitor and analyze all errors over a selected period of time and immediately respond before any disruption on the end-user side. Quickly manage number of requests handled and gain complete visibility on application server performance.
IT Operation Analysis
The APM software comes with its own reporting and analysis tool. It can give detailed statistics on data usage, database calls and on overall performance. The analysis tool boosts the capabilities of all the other features in the software.