Membership Management System will enable any property or organization that relies on monthly subscriptions from a membership base to maximize interaction whilst still maintaining full control. Access and manage detailed profile management, account receivables, client/member history, member prospect tracking and membership renewal.
A complete membership profile option lets you search for all the existing profiles already created in the system and to create a detailed profile for non-existing profile. The advanced option allows to update multiple addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, family member details, joining / end date, payment methods etc.
Photo ID card
A Photo ID can be created for each member to do the clock in and clock out every time while visiting the Spa / Gymnasium / Golf course etc. Every time the id is swiped, system captures details like member photo, name, number, member status, member warning remarks and observations, visit history, member type and sub type.
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Track Your Members' Activities
Visitation / Transaction Details
Membership Management gives you the ability to track all sorts of visitation and transaction details. Reservation history for all facilities, swiped card visits by time and date, show and cancellation history, attendance analysis, spend analysis, guest and family member tracking, privilege control, etc. can be tracked.
Search and Sort
This interactive and friendly feature helps in locating and sorting member details. Various filters can be used like member type, sub type, membership number, last name, first name, membership code, number, e-mail and status.
Provides additional options of extracting all sorts of information in the form of a wide range of reports. Membership list for mailing purpose, account ageing, family sales, end of day sales, credit card expiration, member visit, bank detail verification reports, etc. are just to name a few common reports widely used. The flexibility of exporting all these reports to other formats like excel is a bonus.
Learning Resources
A solution is better when it is used to its best potential. Check out our Learning Resources below and discover how Membership Management can help you transform your business operations.